SERVICES B Brooks Planting Design Surrey CONSULTANCY

B Brooks Planting Design Surrey
B Brooks Planting Design Surrey
B Brooks Planting Design Surrey


Do you want to increase your enjoyment of your garden? Do you wonder if your maintenance regimen is the best for your plants? Allow us to review your plantings and plans and develop a detailed seasonal programme that optimises maintenance efforts and effectively nurtures thriving plants.

B Brooks Planting Design Surrey
B Brooks Planting Design Surrey
B Brooks Planting Design Surrey


The health of your garden is paramount to the pleasure it gives you. As a certified expert in horticulture with an RHS Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Plant Growth, Propagation and Development, I have the skill and knowledge to identify, diagnose, and cure the threats to your plants’ health.

B Brooks Planting Design Surrey
B Brooks Planting Design Surrey
B Brooks Planting Design Surrey


Inspired by a gorgeous garden, but no idea for how to achieve it on your own? Simply invite me for a visit. Let’s take stock of your own garden’s potential, and the best opportunities to beautify it. Perhaps all you need for the garden of your dreams is new and fresh plantings, improved maintenance, or even basic changes such as the positioning of garden furniture and pots. You’ll be surprised by the power of the smallest adjustments to greatly enhance your outdoor space and your pleasure of it.