ABOUT B Brooks Planting Design Surrey B BROOKS

B Brooks Planting Design Surrey

After an initial career in the City as a Chartered Accountant B came back to her first love of the outdoors, completing her training at The English Gardening School, obtaining Diplomas in both Garden Design and Plants and Plantsmanship.

B also completed the RHS Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Plant Growth, Propagation and Development and is a pre-registered member of the Society of Garden Designers.

A thirst for further knowledge drew her to The University of London where she more recently obtained a Diploma in Landscape and Garden History.

B is particularly drawn to the idea that gardens can be beautiful without the need for a large budget and hours of toil. Many studies have been carried out surrounding the benefits of gardening for our mental and physical health. She will help you to create the garden of your dreams based on a realistic budget for your project and the amount of maintenance you are able to commit to.

A beautiful garden is as important as a beautiful home. Surrounding yourself with nature, spending time outside, and simply enjoying the landscape around you is the best way to enhance your sense of personal wellbeing, nurture your connection to your friends and family, and entertain memorably.